42% of the Bulgarians have not been on the internet even once

There is a change in recent years, because in 2006 the per cent was 70. Most backward in this respect are people in Northwest (Northwest planning region) - 56%.

Now half the households in Bulgaria have access to the Internet and for the last eight years they have increased almost five times. Increased computer skills - since 2006 double increase those who can connect or install other devices to their computer (printers, modems, etc.), as well as archived files.

According to the statistics small number of Bulgarians uses the Internet to communicate with the institutions, only 26.6%. But in 2008 these people were almost three times less.

Most people now visit the pages of the institutions on the Internet in order to read and obtain information. Few are those who pull forms, forms, return them electronically completed, etc. The small proportion of these people is explained by the slow development of e-services.

Very few people are who shop online. Only 9% said that over the last 12 months, ordered goods or services for personal use. The highest share of trade in clothing, sporting goods, orders excursions, hotel reservations and purchase of textbooks. About one-third of enterprises in Bulgaria use electronic invoices.

Source : http://bg-daily-news.eu

15.08.2013, Interesting