6 museums that you can visit from home

If you are a fan of art or simply want to improve your general culture, the museums are one of the solutions. To learn something new, enjoying the beautiful and interesting works. What could be better?

While many people visit these sites during the summer break, is because not everyone can afford to fly to Paris to see the Louvre.

Well, now there is a solution to this problem.

Publication "Mashabal" presents six interesting application through which you can see inside museums around the world. And without leaving the comfort of your home.

With the Museum of Contemporary Art in Manhattan (MoMA) you can see the entire museum, including each of those pictures closely. Exposure of Jackson Pollock is the most popular at the moment.

Canadian Museum of Civilization
Use application that Canadian Museum of Civilization offers free, you can become part of the virtual tour of the place. Dedicated to human civilization from ancient times to today, the museum has something for everyone.

Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum is one of the architectural landmarks of the United States. You can see both the building inside and out and all current exposures, along with those that are stored permanently.

Musée Du Louvre
Perhaps the most famous museum in the world, the Louvre is home to some of the most remarkable works of history. Using the application, you will be nearer to the Mona Lisa than if you go in person. Part of the exhibition includes apartments of Napoleon and numerous sculptures.

American Museum of Natural History
American Museum of Natural History is one of the largest museums in the world, keeping exposures with dinosaurs and other prehistoric creatures.

National Gallery: London
Administration of the National Gallery in London provides an opportunity not only to see the exposures, but also to listen to a detailed explanation of each exhibit.

In case you are interested in viewing a museum in Bulgaria, many of them also offer "virtual tours" on their websites.

Source: http://bg-daily-news.eu/

29.08.2013, Culture