Bulgaria accelerates the absorption of EU funds

Bulgaria is no longer on the tail of the absorption of EU funds, said MEP Evgeni Kirilov, citing recent data from the European Commission.
According to them, at the beginning of July, the average percentage of total disbursements for the three funds - ERDF, the European Social Fund and the Cohesion Fund in the entire EU is 55%. For Bulgaria this percentage was slightly above 40 percent, it is clear from a message sent by the press office of the deputy.
According to him, at the beginning of July, Bulgaria has moved up compared to its position in April this year. Overall in the Regional Development Fund and in the Cohesion Fund Bulgaria occupies 23rd place and is already ahead of the Czech Republic, Austria, Italy and Romania in absorption of EU funds.
Regarding the social fund Bulgaria is ahead of the Czech Republic, Malta and Romania.
Led by funds received from the European Commission under the three structural funds continue to be Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Portugal and Ireland.
"In recent months is noticed an increase of payments to beneficiaries in Bulgaria. Reimbursement to them even is ahead of the receipt of the funds transferred by the Commission. Timely payment to the beneficiaries has to facilitate the realization of projects and their implementation on time, "adds another Bulgarian MEP.
At the beginning of July all major projects out of Bulgaria to be implemented under the Operational Programmes in the current programming period are presented to the Commission for approval, and 75% of them have already been approved.
However, the risk of losing money in the end of 2013 remains due to delay in the implementation of several projects. Remains and hope to do everything possible lost means less.


Source: http://bg-daily-news.eu

18.07.2013, ABOUT BULGARIA