Bulgarian Landlords Declare BGN 11 M in Rental Income

altBulgaria’s National Revenue Agency (NAP) has reported that landlords have declared over BGN 11 M in rental income over the last 10 days.

NAP reported that there has been a last minute rush in the filing of tax returns for individuals (not companies) as only one week remains until the deadline for income from 2009.

The return may be filed at post offices, by registered mail, the Internet usingan electronic signature or at NAP offices offices. Until the end of April all the offices of NAP will accept returns without a break for lunch.

NAP reported Friday that they had begun auctioning real estate properties, automobiles and equipment of people, who owe taxes.

18 auctions have been announced in April only and they include a dairy farm, land plots, restaurants, trucks, lumber, machines and other equipment.


Text source: novinite.com
Image: google.bg

To see the presentation of the company, please follow the link:
Presentation of Mirela Real Estate

27.04.2010, Real Estates