Fewer people are using Twitter

The social network Twitter is losing ground. There are fewer registrants, on account of the increasing number of those who have deleted their accounts or do not use them, says Huffington Post.
Teacher Donald Hovas joins the social network about a year ago on a council of his daughter.
He refused after several attempts to work with Twitter, because it seems too complicated. Another reason is that in addition to celebrities, he has no friends in the network due to a desire to visit it.
However, he uses your Facebook account at least once a day, because it's interesting what happens to friends and family.
36% of consumers who have recently created an account on Twitter, claiming that they do not use it and 7% of them have their accounts disabled. In contrast, only 7% of acceding to Facebook admit they do not use the account, and only 5 % have been disabled.
People who have given up on Twitter, have a variety of reasons - lack of friends in the network to the difficulty of handling it.
The social network refused to comment on end data , arguing that this is only a temporary period.
Despite the enormous progress in recent years that have managed to attract many top celebrities , including President Barack Obama , they lose their positions. According to experts, the social network cannot reach the potential of the development of rival Facebook.

Source: http://www.bg-daily-news.eu

22.10.2013, Interesting