Antique Forum "Augusta Trayana" city of Stara Zagora

Ancient Forum "Augusta Trayana" is located in the city of Stara Zagora, 230 km southeast from Sofia, 180 km west from the Black Sea city of Burgas and 90 km northeast from the city of Plovdiv.

Located in the heart of town, behind the Old Courthouse and Old Theater. It was discovered in 1968. A few years later began the deliberate archaeological research which continues to this day. The monument is one of the most - beautiful buildings of the Roman town of Augusta Trayana - square with amphitheatrical auditorium, baths, walls, and the western gate of the main shopping street.


The ancient city of Augusta Trayana was founded about 106-107 AD by the Roman Emperor Marcus Ulpius Trayan.   Augusta Trayana is one of the largest and most beautiful cities in Thrace  in II - III century. The story says that Augusta Trayana was established as a major economic, political, administrative and spiritual center of the Roman province of Thrace. The discovered part covers an area of ​​more than 7 acres. By now a number of sites have been discovered, studied and restored. Most - of them are impressive: two sectors walls and western gate of the city sector's main street, a stone pedestal of monumental equestrian statue of emperor and city terminals. Stone square is covered with a properly cut stone, and in its center is reserved pedestal on which was placed imperial horse statue. The upper part is crowned with shaped arched colonnade. Nine lines arranged in tiers of stone seats have accommodated more than 1,300 spectators in the theater.

Amphitheater building has more than 10 spacious rooms. Main ancient street, which starts at the western gate, continue east. Is 6 meters wide, but along its foundations were discovered a number of commercial and industrial buildings

In the ancient forum were found stone reliefs, inscriptions and coin images, monumental public buildings such as temples, basilicas, baths, theater building. Here it was discovered the magnificent marble statue of the legendary Thracian singer, musician, poet and miracle worker Orpheus.

Quite a few of the objects found during excavations, can be seen in the exposure of the Regional Historical Museum in the city of Stara Zagora.
Today Stara Zagora Opera makes an outdoor performances in the Antique Forum.
For convenience of tourists guide service is available in English, French, German and Russian.

Sources and photos:,,

18.10.2010, Bulgarian sights