Elenska basilica

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Elenska basilica is one very interesting landmark that is situated in Central Bulgaria and it is 3 km northeast of the town of Pirdop, 2 km west of the village of Anton and 85 km east of the capital Sofia.


The temple dates back to the early Christian time - the end of V and the beginning of the VI century. This place was once monastery "St Prophet Iliya".

During the Ottoman rule this sacred place was object of constant attacks.

There is also a legend according to which Patriarh Evtimii spend his last days here.

The Elenska basilica was declared monument of culture.


At first the temple was without dome but at the end of VI century there was constructed  dome. Another interesting and non typical design solution is the way how the defense of the sacred place is made there are thick walls and also high towers.

At the moment are preserved monumental ruins with height of about 8,50 m. The yard of the monastery was surrounded by stone walls about 1,60 m thick and on the corners there are almost completely identical rectangular defense towers 7,30 х 5,90 m. The basilica is three naves and with three  with three apses, narthex, dyakonikon, protezis, while the southern side is attached baptistery (baptismal).

The ruins show clearly two periods in the construction of the buildings. The older parts are constructed of crushed stone and bricks, while the modern eastern part is from bricks with thick joints from red mortar.


 The basilica is on the road that connects the village of Anton with the town of Pirdop. The most convenient is to go the village by bus, car or train and then to march quickly to the ruins.


In the town of Pirdop there are small family hotels and villas where you can stay.

Sources: http://bg.wikipedia.org, http://www.nasamnatam.com
Photos: http://www.snimka.bg

22.10.2012, Bulgarian sights