Tharcian sanctuary near the village of Tatul

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The archaeological landmark "Orpheus' sanctuary" is located in the Kaya basha area /translated from Turkish - Stone head/ situated near the village of Tatul in Momchilgrad municipality, Kardzhali Region. It is situated 13 km north-east of Momchilgrad, 28 km southeast of the regional center Kardzhali and about 269 km in the same direction from the capital Sofia city.

The complex consists of an ancient pagan temple and a medieval fortress. The central and highest place on the rock hill is occupied by a tomb with east-west orientation, carved in a solid "truncated pyramid"-like rock. On the south side of the majestic rock a similar tomb, located in hemispherical niche is carved. The niche is covered with arched, carved in the stone, vault. A ceremonial staircase, consisting of eight steps, leads to the two graves. Religious sites, steps to them, niche systems, chutes and pools to collect any liquid, are located on the neighboring rocks as well.

The sanctuary was started in the late Bronze Age. Archaeologists believe that 3,500 years ago the rock near Tatul was revered as heroon - sanctuary of the deified after his death Thracian king.

Besides a sanctuary of the ancient Thracian gods, this monument was also a center for monitoring the sunrise and the sunset on certain days of the year - the winter solstice, for example, when the rising sun is the center of the falls in a special rock crevice.

This form of the highest part of the megalith - an engraved crescent resembling a rising sun, supports that hypothesis. What is most peculiar here, is that this kind of sarcophagus is directed exactly towards the Sun at the equinox days. The "truncated pyramid" like rock where the sanctuary is located, does not have an equivalent in our lands.

Steps leading up to the top where a "sarcophagus" with 170 cm length is situated, were carved in the sanctuary. Experts suggest that the furrow around the sarcophagus was used for the flow of blood from the victim, placed in the sarcophagus. It is known that the Thracians worshiped the sun and the rituals they had were relevant to that cult. So the sacrifices were most probably made at sunrise (or sunset).

The hypothesis that this tomb was once the sanctuary of Orpheus himself was declared in the past century. However, this has not been certainly proved to this day.

It is a fact that a statuette of a naked god, man, upright and leaning with one hand on a lyre, with the other hand holding plektron - something like a pen used to play, was discovered in the sanctuary. The statuette dates back from the II - III century - the Roman era, and could be depicting Orpheus himself, but it might also be the Apollo /a Greek god/. Some of the findings of scientists are a ceramic rod of a priest, preserved clay icon lamp with beautiful ornaments, spindle-whorl, burden for a vertical loom in the form of a pyramid.

Orpheus' sanctuary was known throughout the world both before and after Christ. The newly come Romans worshiped the old gods and heroes and kept the welfare of the religious places. They repaired the ruined during the strife at the beginning of the new era places and built new buildings. That was how the complete temple complex, representing the best studied heroon in our land, arised. Upon the adoption of Christianity in the Rhodope Mountains at the end of IV century the rich complex was converted into a secular estate. It existed up to XI-XII century, when it became the property of the famous Byzantine Palaiologos family to become today one of the most remarkable architectural sites of our times.


The village of Tatul is easily reached via an asphalt road by car. "Orpheus 'sanctuary" can be reached if you start from the center of the village of Tatul. Тhere are signs pointing the road to the Thracian temple. There is also a small parking lot. One must go up the path among the houses of the village. The trail gradually turns into a narrow forest path. After about 10 minutes walking you reach the sanctuary.

The town of Momchilgrad offers excellent accommodation conditions. Several hotels, guest houses, restaurants and cafes are available for tourists.

Sources: http://setlans.wordpress.comhttp://www.journey.bg
Photos: http://bulgariatravel.org

15.05.2012, Bulgarian sights