Municipal administration

Addresses and telephone numbers of Municipals and regional administrative services in cities in Bulgaria.

Obshtina Antonovo - oblast Targovishte

Address: oblast Targovishte7970 gr. Antonovo, , bul. "Tuzlushki geroy" №26, Phone: 06071/2222, 06071/2333, Faks: 06071/2428, E-meyl: [email protected], URL:

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Obshtina Omurtag - oblast Targovishte

Address: oblast Targovishte, 7900 gr. Omurtag, ul."Aleksandar Stamboliyski" №2A, Phonei.: 0605 23 11 / 0605 20 08, Faks: 0605 35 02, E- mai: [email protected], URL:

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Obshtina Opaka - oblast Targovishte

Address: oblast Targovishte,gr. Opaka 7840, ul. "Saedinenie" 3, Phonei: + 359 6039 2421, E- [email protected]; [email protected], URL:

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Obshtina Popovo - oblast Targovishte

Address: oblast Targovishtegr. Popovo, p. kod 7800, pl. "Aleksandar Stamboliyski" - 1, Phone: + 359/608/4–36-87; 40 200; 0887 248 103; 0878 675 859, Faks: + 359/608/40 024, URL:

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