Samuil Fortress

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Samuil Fortress is located on the right bank of Strumeshnitsa River between the foothills of Belasitsa and Ograzhden Mountains in the so-called Klyuchka gorge. It is 5 km north of village of Klyuch, in the region of town of Petrich

It was built probably in the period of 1009-1013 during the reign of Tsar Samuil. It is part of a massive fortification system. 

It was constructed on the foundations of a Thracian and early Slav settlement. Tsar Samuil built on the hill an earth fort, protected by three shafts and two moats, which were concentrically situated. 

The location of Samuil Fortress lets the control of the entire gorge. It could be used as military and strategic command post of all sectors of the defence system. 

The fortification bears the scars of the Bulgarian fortification tradition characteristic of the First Bulgarian Kingdom. The castle is associated with the blindness of the Bulgarian warriors during the reign of Tsar Samuil. In the vicinity of the fortress in the summer of 1014 took place Belasishka historical battle in which Bulgarian troops were led by Tsar Samuil. The troops of Byzantine Emperor Basil II defeated the Bulgarian army and captured many soldiers. Tsar Samuil and his entourage escaped. After the battle the Byzantine emperor blinded the captured 14 000 Bulgarian army, as in every hundred he left one one-eyed leader. 

National park-museum 'Samuil Fortress' was officially opened on October 23, 1982. The remains of the fortress and the village are preserved and the surrounding area is urbanized. Along the riverbank a beautiful alley leads to the park museum from the parking lot to the international road Petrich-checkpoint Zlatarevo. It passes under a pedestrian bridge and heads to the hill. Remotely seen are the magnificent bronze statue of Tsar Samuil full-length and the four concrete pylons built on the top of the hill, on the ruins of a medieval tower. Author of the monument is Professor Boris Gondov. 

The fortress is an important tourist site in South-western Bulgaria. Since 2003 it has been included in the list of the 100 national tourist sites of the Bulgarian Tourist Union.

Internet source and pictures:

13.10.2009, Bulgarian sights