Marina dupka cave

Marina dupka cave is situated near the village of Genchovtsi, 7 km of the town of Tryavna, 25 km from the town of Gabrovo and 235 km from the capital Sofia

The cave is situated in the area of the town of Tryavna and is one of the easiest for the speleologists in the country. It is 3075 m long.

The first researches started in 1923 and continue till today. In the cave is found new biological species  that carries the name Netoletski - Maneki. It is interesting that in 2009 is found letter written in 1977 and left on the place where the expedition managed the go.

The cave is named after the rebel Mara who was hiding in it with her partner Paro. There is a legend that together they robbed Turkish caravans in the mountain passage and the pray then hided in the cave. For this reason many gold diggers still try to find it.

To the cave lead 5 km asphalt road and 2 km rock and gravel road.

The visitors of Marina dupka cave can stay at one of the guest houses in the village of Genchovtsi or in the many hotels
in the town of Tryavna.


22.11.2011, Bulgarian sights