The Museum of Natural Science

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The Museum of Natural History in Varna studies and popularizes the organizm world of the Black Sea nad the Black Sea coast. Scientifically the exposition is build on the principle of evolution and is differentiated in three sections: Geology, Flora and Fauna.
The Geology and Paleonthology division has recently been fully reorganized - the complete classification scheme of the minerals, the origin of rocks, a modern geochronological table, fossils from the mezozoy and neozoy eras, including impressive remains of Proboscidea mammals (mammals with a trunk, like the elephant) that used to inhabit our sea coast is presented in a popular manner. For the first time is exhibited the unique fossil teeth of the prehistoric elephant (Prodinoterium bavaricum) discovered in the town of Aksakovo. The renewd botanical exposition provides information about all the specific types of folliage to be seen on the Black Sea coast and the flora of the sea-weeds. Very precious are the dispalyed protected plants. The three halls where the fauna classes are exhibited: fishes, amphibia, reptiles, birds and mammals, and the world protected  redneck goose have been refreshed, as well.
The visitors will sure be interested in the two new themed dioramas "forest world" and "water birds".
The biggest dream of the Museum's staff is to succeed to realize the project for creating a garden around the building in the Sea Garden dedicated to the Japanese-Bulgarian friendship. The project amounts to 78 million Japanese Yena.

In 2009:  The exposition of the Museum of Natural History in Varna has been additionally enriched with the preparation of Martha, the brown bear famous for killing two people in the zoo of Varna. The bear was euthanized in 2008 due to an illness. Just recently exhibited in the museum are the tusks of a prehistoric elephant (Protanancus). This is the only exhibit of such kind in Europe, since by now Protanancus has only been discovered in Africa and Asia.
For educational needs a complete classification of the minerals has been made according to the last systematic scale of the world famous Bulgarian scientist-mineralogist the Academic Ivan Kostov in 1993.
In the diorama "Water birds" there is an exhibit of a black storck found dead in Dobrich area in 2008.


Location: The Sea Garden
Telephone:  052/618 011 
Working time:
In the summer: 10 am through 5 pm; Monday is a day-off
In the winter: 10 am through 5 pm; Saturday and Sunday are days-off



22.06.2009, Bulgarian sights