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village of Tsatsarovtsi

See it on the map Bulgarian properties in Sofia Region - Cacarovci
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Tsatsarovtsi is a village in West Bulgaria. It is situated in Dragoman municipality, Sofia region

In Bulgaria there is one more village that is with the same name in Zlatograd municipality, Smolyan region

The village is situated in proximity to the border Bulgaria - Serbia and about 14 km from Kalotina village where is the border check point Kalotina. Tsatsarovtsi is 8 km southwest of Dragoman, 14 km west of Slivnitsa, 33 km northwest of Pernik and 42 km northwest of Sofia

It is located in the historical and geographical area Burel that encompasses West Bulgaria and East Serbia also known as the Western Outlands. 

Its altitude is 750 m. The climate is temperate. The summer is hot and the winter is cool. There are negative values of the average January temperature of about -2,5 C and average July temperature of about 18,4 C. The amount of precipitation is little. 

The permanent population is 173 people. 

The village is well maintained and most of the streets are asphalted. The nearest kindergartens and schools are located in Dragoman. The GPs are also working there. 

The village of Krusha is situated along an asphalt road. The nearest kindergartens and schools are located in the municipality Dragoman. For the health of the people take care GPs in Dragoman. 

The pristine nature that surrounds the village and the picturesque scenery are preconditions for turning Dragoman into destination for mountain tourism. The high rocky slopes and the karst formations attract climbers, deltas and cavers  and the unexplored terrain - the archaeologists and botanists.

The lovers of the extreme sports could take a paraplaner from Chepan which is one of the most suitable for this sport places. 

Tourist landmarks are the architectural and the historical places as the Razboishtki monastery, Cheparlyanski monastery, Dragoman swamp, Temnata dupka cave etc. 


Text: Mirela
Photos: Internet

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