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village of Dragichevo

See it on the map Bulgarian properties in Pernik Region - Dragichevo
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Dragichevo is a village in Western Bulgaria. It is located in the municipality of Pernik, Pernik District.

It is 10 km east of the town of Pernik, 20 km southwest of the city of Sofia, 4 km north of the village Rudartsi, 76 km in the same direction from Blagoevgrad.

The population is about 1950 people.

It consists of four quarters, which bear the names of the locality in which they are built - Kalinitsa, Rekata,  Garata and Rudarska.

Dragichevo is located on the southwest slope of Mount Lyulin in Vladayska saddle at a height of 840 meters.

Falls within the temperate climatic zone. Spring comes relatively late - in late March and early April. Summer is hot. Winter comes earlier than other parts of the country.
Here runs Dragichevska River and is located near Lake Dragichevsko - the only natural lake in Lyulin Mountain.

The village is with well-maintained infrastructure. There are electricity and water supply coverage of all mobile operators, automatic telephone exchange.
There are primary school, kindergarten, community center, general practitioner and two dentists.
Regular bus service connects it with the settlements in the municipality / coaches line № 23 /.
Situated near the railway line Sofia - Pernik.
Dragichevo is located on the main road E 79 / Sofia - Kulata / part of the Struma motorway, which carries out transport links with Greece. The region is one of the oldest trade routes in the Balkans - Sofia - Thessaloniki - Skopje.
Because of its good strategic position, there are several stations and environment conducive to the development of sectors of the average business.

Tourism and landmarks 

Nature here is very beautiful. There are opportunities to practice eco and incentive tourism.

Here is Dragichevkoto Lake, which is a great place to walk.

Botanical reserve Ostritsa is situated on the slopes of Mount Ostritsa in Golo Burdo Mountains separating Pernik and Radomir Valley. This is one of the oldest protected areas in Bulgaria. Already in 1943 it was declared a nature park to protect the unique landscape and the many valuable plant specimens of great scientific value that are found here.
Now Ostritsa is maintained reserve with an area of 134.6 ha.
Only here grows Vitosha tulip - a protected plant which grows at an altitude of 1500-2000 m, in moist meadows. It is a symbol of the Vitosha mountain.

Excellent conditions for hunting and recreation provides Vitosha hunting area, where function and state game breeding station Vitoshko-Studena where there is trout.

12 km distance is dam Studena. It is within the nature reserve Vitosha and is a major source of water in Pernik region. It is forbidden to visit and fish from the catchment area - the village of Studena.

The village is a starting point to resort to Rudartsi and Selimishkiya share of Vitosha.

4 km north of the village is Divotinskia Monastery of the Holy Trinity, built in 1046 and is one of the oldest monasteries preserved around Sofia.

Text: Mirela
Photos: Internet

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