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Village of Gorsko Slivovo

See it on the map Bulgarian properties in Lovech Region - Gorsko slivovo
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Gorsko Slivovo is a village in northern Bulgaria. It is located in the municipality Letnitsa, District Lovech.

It is situated 13 km south of town of Letnitsa, 43 km east of Lovech, 37 km north of Sevlievo, 53 km east of Pleven, 64 km away from Gabrovo, 190 km northeast from Sofia.

The altitude of the village is 393 meters. The climate is temperate. There are predominantly western and north-west winds. The duration of snow cover is 40-45 days a year. The average January temperature is around-10C. The highest rainfall is in summer - May-June, while at least - in February.

 The population numbers about 700 inhabitants. The village has electricity and water supply. The access to it is accomplished by asphalt road. There is regular bus service from the village to Lovech.

 There are a town hall, community center, kindergarten, shop, restaurant, pharmacy, guest house. There are churches and mosques. The village has a general practitioner. The nearest school is located in Letnitsa where you can find a dentist. The nearest hospital is located in Lovech.

Gorsko Slivovo is a dogandzhiysko village. Dogandzhiite were people with special status in the Ottoman Empire because of their ability to grow and tame falcons and hawks for hunting for the Sultan's court.

 Every year on September 6th in Devetashko plateau is held a fair under the title "Nine songs from the spring", which includes the villages Agatovo, Brestovo, Gorsko Slivovo, Devetaki, Kramolin, Krushuna, Kukrina, Karpachevo, Tepava and Chavdartsi.

Landmarks and tourism:

Residents of Gorsko Slivovo folk were great fighters for freedom of the fatherland and the fight against fascism, in whose honor the village center for the community center is a memorial built in memory of the most prominent supporters and partisans in the region.

One of the most notable monuments in the village Gorsko Slivovo is from the era of the Roman and Byzantine rule was Slivovskoto stronghold, where they found a variety of artifacts: monuments, ceramics, plaster, Roman coins from the reign of Emperor Constantine the Great, Alexander and Augustus Caesar and others.

2 km from the Fvillage is situated the area Garvanitsa (Devetashko plateau), fascinated with its unique nature. There is an impressive cave "Big Garvanitsa" and next you can see two interesting karst formations, attracting nature lovers - and Garvanitsa small cave with an underground river - Turkish church. The area is cultivated with amenities - benches, gazebos, shelters. There are excellent opportunities for organizing camping and sports attractions. There is an opportunity for a beautiful biking routes, picnic sites and long walks.

In the village of Gorsko Slivovo there is a dam lake named Pusti, which offers a wide range of fish and allows for recreation and fishing.

In the village of Krushuna, 13 km north of the village are located Krushuna waterfalls.

30 km west of the village, the village is located Devetaki village and Devetashka cave.

In Lovech you can visit the Covered Bridge Kolyu Ficheto square, Varosha - over 160 restored old houses, museum and art gallery building in the quarter "Varosha".

Sources:, Mirela
Photos:, internet

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