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village of Leva reka

See it on the map Bulgarian properties in Pernik Region - Leva reka
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Leva reka is village in West Bulgaria. It is in Tran municipality, Pernik region.

It is 26 km south ot the town of Tran and 72 km northwest of the town of Pernik. The capital Sofia is 102 km east.

It is located in mountain region and its altitude is about 907 m. The climate is with clearly expressed four seasons while the summer is warm but not hot. The spring is cool and with lots of precipitation and comes at the end of March and the beginning of April and the fall is warmer.

The permanent population is about 75 people.

The nearest school, kindergarten and medical center are in the municipality.

Tourism and landmarks

Interesting cultural landmark in the village is the Orthodox monastery "St Chetiridesets Machenitsi" in which there are frescoes from the XVII century and it is declared monument of culture. It is proven that Bulgarians from Kostursko have made them.

In the village of Busintsi (22 km north) and there is "Museum exhibition of the Busintsi ceramics" which was opened in 1982. Together with the museum section and the exhibition halls there are also working studios and small hotel.
Now in the museum there are over 1300 pieces (jugs, jars, cups, bowls, casseroles, pots etc.) total of about a hundred different forms made by over a thousand craftsmen from the village and the region. Only in this museum you could see the so called "okanicheta" which are small jugs for wine and rakiya, the "crondir" which is unique kind of a jug with a hole in the middle. The museum is also keeping a hundred year old furnace that was used by the world famous craftsman Petar.

Not far are the gorgeous Erma River Gorge, Ruy peak, the rock church "St Petka", the Tran monastery and the Vrabcha waterfall.

There are many wild animals in the forests around the village and there is nice opportunity for the people that enjoy hunting. The fisherman can go to the dams Yarlovtsi (21 km) and Lilyantsi which are stocked with fish.

Photos: Internet

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