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village of Shiyakovo

See it on the map Bulgarian properties in Pleven Region - Shiyakovo
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Shiyakovo is village in North Bulgaria. It is situated in Gulyantsi municipality, Pleven region

It is 5 km south of the town of Gulyantsi and 31 km north of the town of Pleven. The neighboring village of Lenkovo and 4 km in the same direction while the capital Sofia is 189 km southwest. 

It is situated in the Danubian Plain and its altitude is 116 m. The climate is temperate with cold winter and hot summer while there is little precipitation, mostly in May and June. 

The permanent population is about 380 people. 

Bus transportation connects it to the other settlements. The village is well maintained as the main streets are asphalted and with lighting. There are constructed water and electricity systems. There also is a stadium. 

Here are functioning town hall, post office, community center, kindergarten, pensioner's club, stores and restaurant. The nearest GPs and hospital are working in the town of Gulyantsi. There are also schools. 

The name of the village is derived from the name of the hollow Shiya that is situated between the two hills that the houses of the village occupy. In this hollow flows the small river Barata

In 2009 was constructed monument in honor of the fallen during the wars soldiers from the village of Shiyakovo. Near it is placed cannon that was used in the battles for Odrin and Chataldzha. In 2011 was found monument of the rebel and national hero Vassil Levski. 

The local cultural and archaeological heritage in the area is presented mainly by the archaeological reserve "Oescus" near Gigen village (25 km northwest) which is declared cultural monument with national significance. It consists of remains from Roman and Byzantium cities. 

In the town of Pleven you can visit three of the 100 Tourist Sites of Bulgaria - Pleven Epopee 1877, the Regional History museum and the mausoleum-chapel "St George Pobedonosets". Other interesting places in proximity are Kaylaka park and the Wine Museum. 


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