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village of Sopitsa

See it on the map Bulgarian properties in Pernik Region - Sopica
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Sopitsa is a village in West Bulgaria. It is situated in Breznik municipality, Pernik region

It is 10 km south of the town of Breznik and 17 km northwest of the town of Pernik. The capital Sofia is 47 km east. 

It is situated in mountain area and its altitude is 718 m. The climate is temperate. The climate is temperate. The average temperature in the coldest month January is -1,7°С and the average temperature in the hottest month July is 19,6°С.   

Bus transportation connects it to the other settlements. There constructed infrastructure, water and electricity systems. 

The permanent population is about 96 people. 

Here are functioning town hall and store. Hospital, dentists and pharmacies you can find in the town of Breznik and in the village of Noevtsi works the nearest GP. In Noevtsi and Breznik there are schools and kindergartens. 

The people in Sopitsa preserve the old traditions. A group of local people makes authentic survakari masks and costumes from wood, natural  leather and horns. 

The name of the village is derived from the Bulgarian word "sopa" that means "stick" and according to the legend the people had only these sticks to protect themselves from the Turkish attacks. 

Nearby passes Konska river and in proximity to the village there are a couple of springs - one of them healing mineral spring. 

Bardoto area is famous for its "zhelyazna" mineral water which springs from the south part of the hill in Leskov dol area. The mineral spring attracts healthy and sick people from the ancient past for its healing characteristics which are due to the rich mineral chemical compounds and valuable physico-chemical and and physiological characteristics.

Near the Slakovtsi dam there is complex for relaxation and fishing that offers excellent conditions for rest and fishing. It is located just 8 km away and is with modern bungalows situated in a beautiful cherry tree garden.
Near is also Yardzhilovtsi dam, which is suitable for family excursions - there are playground and restaurant furthermore the area is beautiful and the dam is stocked with trout, carp, rudd and other fishes. 


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