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village of Chibaovtsi

See it on the map Bulgarian properties in Sofia Region - Chibaovci
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Chibaovtzi is a village in Western Bulgaria. It is located in the municipality Kostinbrod, Sofia district.

It is 40 km north of Sofia, 24 km north of Kostinbrod, 14 km southwest of Svoge.

The population numbers about 250 people.

Chibaovtzi village is located on the northwest slopes of Stara Planina mountain, at an altitude of 889 m. The highest mountain near the village is called Bratyov kamak.
The municipality falls within the temperate climatic zone. Typically there are cold winters, cool summers and - occurring early autumn, compared to other parts of the country.
About 10 kilometers away runs Iskretska River, which flows into the Iskar River in Svoge.

The village is electrified, with maintained infrastructure. Here is coverage of all mobile operators, automatic telephone exchange.

In Chibaovtzi there is cultural center with a theater hall. In the center are local shops and pub.


Chibaovtzi attracts tourists with its fresh air and unspoiled nature. In the area there is an opportunity to practice different types of alternative tourism.

The village is a starting point for many tourist routes in Stara Planina Mountain. Preferred by lovers - hikers is the route to the summit Bratyov Kamak. The passage lasts two hours each way, and the top has a small cave and 20 m high rock, on top of which opens indescribable view of the village and Sofia. In clear weather to see the gilded dome of St. Alexander Nevsky.

Nearby is a monument of the victims of Serbian-Bulgarian, Balkan and First World War.

Not far from the village there are many caves that attract lovers - speleologists. Most famous are Dushnika (total length 876 m), Mecha dupka (total length 142 m), Izviraloto (total length 240 m) and others.

Cave Dushnika is one of the most interesting in the Ponor Mountains, because after the final siphon can be entered into the big water mountain system, which departs from the pot-holes in its northern part.

About 14 km distance is Iskrets spa resort, where the climate is specific and is beneficial to people suffering from lung diseases.

Text: Mirela
Photos: Internet, Mirela

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