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village of Musachevo

See it on the map Bulgarian properties in Sofia Region - Musachevo
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Musachevo is a village municipality of Elin Pelin, Sofia region.

In Bulgaria there is still a village bearing the name Musachevo - in Galabovo Municipality, Stara Zagora region.

It is 3 km west of the town of Elin Pelin, 21 km east of the capital Sofia, 9 km north of Trakia highway, 7 km south of Hemus highway.

The population is about 3 890 people.

The relief is flat, with an average altitude of 558 meters.
Climatically, the area falls within an area with temperate climatic influence. It is characterized by moderately warm summers and relatively cool winters. The average January temperature is -1.8 C, the average temperature in July is 18.0 C.
In Musachevo runs a small river, and pass on the outskirts of it two other rivers - Lesnovska and Matica.
Nearby is Dam Musachevo. The municipality has three geothermal springs.
 In the neighbouring Ravno pole village there is geothermal spring with mineral composition and flow, allowing the development of the village as a spa center.

The village is with maintained infrastructure. There are electricity, water supply and communication networks. Partially built sewerage network.
There is Primary school, kindergarten, community center, grocery stores, restaurants.
Hospital and medical practices in a community center.
Convenient transportation to Sofia - can be reached by buses and route taxis from the railway station North, Bus station  Poduyane,  South Bus station  and Pliska hotel, and by train from Sofia Central Station. Musachevo a railway station on direction - Kazichene - Stolnik.

Musachevo has good traditions in buffalo breeding and cultivation of cereals.

The territory of the village work shops for the production of garments, metal products, PVC windows and more. There are stock for cars, stock for wood and wood products.


In the settlement is built St Sophia Golf Club & Spa - a world level, with a golf course designed by legendary golfer Paul McGinley, with modern design and breathtaking mountain view.

The club is founded in 2004 and has a golf shop, instructors, and a modern spa to unwind after a tough competition. There is also a golf academy with instructors.
Here almost every month are organized tournaments. Even in winter the activity is not fading - then hold long-awaited and exciting event of snow.

Natural resources are excellent for tourism. Developed international hunting tourism in Aramliets and Vitinya areas.
There are opportunities for rural tourism development and construction of facilities for recreation.
Ognianovo dam offers excellent conditions for water and motor sports.
In the village of Ravno pole is built St. Sofia Golf& Spa Club..

Text: Mirela
Photos:  Internet

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