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Village of Pirgovo

See it on the map Bulgarian properties in Ruse Region - Pirgovo
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Pirgovo is a village in the Central part of Northern Bulgaria. It is situated in Ivanovo Municipality, Ruse Region.

It is 13 km south-west of Ruse, 12 km north-west of Ivanovo, 201 km in the same direction of Varna, 55 km east of Svishtov and 287 km north-east of Sofia. Daily bus transportation to town of Ruse.

The population is approximately 1850 people.

Pirgovo spreads out the banks of Danube River, on 80 m above the sea level. The lands are plain and hilly, and the climate - humid continental. Summer is hot, and winter - cold.

The village is provided with water and electricity. No sewerage system. Communication equipment is provided (telephone, mobile operators, television and Internet).

There is a town-hall, a post office, a police inspector on duty, medical services, a community centre with various activities, an orthodox temple, a stadium and commercial areas.

The nearest education centres are in town of Ruse and village of Ivanovo.

There are workshops for wood processing and tights production. The village is famous with its wine cellar that manages 100 000 sq. m of vineyards: chardonnay, dimiat, muscat, merlot and cabernet sauvignon.

Landmarks and tourism

  • Pirgovo port - zone with beach line and constructed villas. The port is non-operational, but is convenient for walks, boating and fishing.
  • The old cellar - the place where the wine used to be kept by the local population.
  • Historical monument - built in honour of the Russian soldiers who died in the Russian-Turkish Liberation War. It is located in the yard of the orthodox church in the centre of the village.
  • Thracian, ancient and medieval fortress Kaleto - it is about 3 km north-east of the village. The settlement existed during the First and Second Bulgarian countries.
  • Basarbovo monastery - it is about 16 km of the village. The rock monastery is well-preserved and operational. It is situated in the picturesque valley of Rusenski Lom River.

Internet sources:
Pictures:; Internet

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