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village of Skravena

See it on the map Bulgarian properties in Sofia Region - Skravena
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Skravena is a village in Western Bulgaria. It is located in Botevgrad municipality, Sofia region.

It is 5 km north of the municipal center Botevgrad in the direction Mezdra, 55 km from Sofia, 11 km from Pravets and 37 km from Jablanica.
The population is about 1800 inhabitants.

Skravena is located in the northern Botevgradvalley. Its altitude is averaging 320-330 meters and the terrain - very flat with a slight slope to the north.
The climate throughout Botevgrad Valley, often crude - a long winter, short spring - cool and windy, and hot and dry summer.

In Skravena passes Bebresh River - 46 km long, which rises in Zvezdets peak in Stara Planina.
The village is electrified, with supported infrastructure. There are electricity, water supply and communication networks. Missing sewerage network.
Here are functioning elementary school, kindergarten united community center. There are shops, restaurants, pharmacy.
Regular bus service to settlements in the area.


Memorial ossuary Botev rebels in Skravena - On June 3, 1876 in the village were brought impaled on stakes 10 heads of Botev rebels. Residents of the village buried them redeemed. Today, their mortal remains were laid at the memorial ossuary, discovered in 1982 Each year Skravena organized commemorative celebrations.
The monastery of St. Nicholas is located in the southwestern foothills of Lakavishki hill, 2 km from Skravena. The place existed pagan sanctuary, on which at the time of Tsar Peter was raised a Christian church. In 1938 a priest from the village Chelopech is a prophetic dream in St. Nicholas, as he reveals the monastery destroyed by the Turks. Begin excavations have found bases of burned church, a cell with a large fireplace and skeletons of people who participated in the defense of the monastery against the Turks.
Monastery of Holy Transfiguration, also called Novachenski or Skravenski Monastery is located in the area in Batkun Lakavishkiya rid the West Fore 4km from the village Skravena and 5km from the village Novachene. The monastery was scurried about during the Second Bulgarian Kingdom, is destroyed by the Turks, but was revived by St. Pimen Sofia in 1608 in the XIX century it was destroyed again. It was restored in 1930.
A complex of church, which has preserved fragments of frescoes remaining from the old temple building.
Next to the monastery is the cave Bear Hole.
Nearby were found the foundations of another church that was called Assumption of Mary. On the excavated foundations today stands a new church. and until it rises about 520 oak years, 25 meters high. Underneath is the tomb of the nun Ludmila (1899-1986) which has dedicated his life to restore the monastery.

Photos: Internet

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