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village of Bagryanka

See it on the map Bulgarian properties in Kardzhali Region - Bagryanka
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Bagryanka is a village in southern Bulgaria. It is located in the municipality of Momchilgrad, Kardzhali region.

It is about 3 km south from the town of Momchilgrad, about 18 km south from the town of Kardjali, about 60 km from the town of Haskovo, about 112 km southeast from the city of Plovdiv and about 280 km southeast from the capital Sofia city.

The terrain is mountainous, and the average altitude is about 462 m.

Near the village passes Varbitsa river.

The climate is temperate to Mediterranean. For this region are typical mild winters and hot summers.

The land around the village are suitable for cultivation, vineyards, orchards and cereals.

The population of Bagryanka is about 217 people.

The village there is a town hall and a community center. The nearest police station, schools, kindergartens, nurseries and hospital are in the town of Momchilgrad.


In the area around the village there are numerous natural and cultural attractions.

Natural phenomenon "Petrified Forest"
It is located in the village of Raven (about 11 km northeast from Bagryanka) and it was declared a protected site in the "landmark" category. It represents petrified trees and its age is about 30 million years. During the summer months "Petrified Forest" is often visited by biologists, naturalists and ecotourists.

Reserve "Borovets"
Reserve "Borovets" (also about 11 km fro mthe village) is one of the four in the Eastern Rhodopes and is of national importance. It was declared a protected site in order to protect the easternmost natural habitat of pine. The flora is fairly well studied - pine, oak vergiliev, oak, wild pear, apple, prickly juniper and others, as well as fauna, some of which are in Bulgaria's Red Book and are protected in European and world scale.

The Old mosque
The mosque is located in the town of Momchilgrad (about 3 km from the village of Bagryanka) and it was built about 300 years ago. During these years has always been operation as a religious temple. It is the only mosque in the field with two minarets and collect hundreds of believers to prayer.

Text: Mirela

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