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the village of Belozem

See it on the map Bulgarian properties in Plovdiv Region - Belozem
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Belozem is a village in South Bulgaria, part of Rakovski Municipality, Plovdiv Region.


It is located 38 km northeast from the town of Plovdiv and the town of Rakovski is 17 km southeast from the village.

The population is around 4000 inhabitants.

The terrain is relatively hilly with average altitude of 130 m.
The climate in the region is transcontinental characterized by mild winter with average temperature around -2ºС and hot and dry summer with average temperature around 28ºС.

The village is well developed with excellent infrastructure which includes complete electrification, water system, partial drainage, telephone, Internet and cable TV.

Trakiya Highway passes 3 km far from the village, and near Belozem a railway station on the line Plovdiv - Burgas is located where all categories of trains stop.

There is a town hall, a primary school, a kindergarten, a community center with functioning library as a part of it and a church. Belozem has two churches - Orthodox and Catholic.

Health service takes care for the population of the village. There is a network of retail outlets and restaurants as well as gas stations. 

Large part of the population is engaged in farming - agriculture and livestock. Different crops are cultivated. There are also greenhouses.

Tourist and cultural sights

Belozem has its own airfield which includes two tracks with grass cover on the north side of Trakiya Highway and one asphalted freeboard track which is situated on the south part of the highway. Competitions are held there and everyone can come and enjoy the attractive flight participants.

Each year during the summer a Catholic "International Christian Festival Belozem" is held. Besides the local Catholics Italian artists also participate and they make concerts in the amphitheater of the parish "St. Francis".

The proximity of Belozem to the town of Plovdiv and the Rhodope mountains provides opportunities for mountain tourism as well as for visits of historical sights such as the Old Town in Plovdiv, the Roman amphitheater, Asen's Fortress and Bachkovo Monastery.



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