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Chestimensko village

See it on the map Bulgarian properties in Dobrich Region - Chestimensko
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Chestimensko is a village in Dobrich region, part of Tervel municipality. It is located 7 km away from the town of Tervel and 90 km away from the city of Varna.


general information

The population numbers to approximately 440 people. Latitude is 174 m. Relief - hilly. The climate is temperate-continental - the summer is dry and hot, the winter is cold and snowy.

infrastructure and development

In the village there is a community center with a library, a kindergarten, grocery shops, a cafe, an Orthodox church.
The favourable climate and relief provide excellent conditions for the production of grain, grain-fodder and oil-yielding cultures, as well as stock-breeding. During the past five years the herb production and gathering and fruit-growing have gone through a turbulent development, too.
Near the village there are two micro dam-lakes which attract the fishing lovers in the area. Excellent conditions for the development  hunting, fishing and ornithological tourism are present in Chestimensko and the area.
A project has been approved for the construction of the largest photo-voltaic station in the country, near Chestimensko.
Some of the most significant advantages of the village are the lack of industrial pollution, the healthy climate and its proximity to the municipal center of Tervel.


  • The village borders the Harsovska Reka area, which is part of "Natura 2000" project. The area is a dry river valley covered with various types of oak-forests /Turkey Oak, Downy Oak, Quercus virgiliana/, European Hornbeam, Field Maple and Oriental Hornbeam, as well as artificially planted Poplar trees. It is a natural habitat of over a 100 rare bird species have been spotted in the area, 23 of which are declared endangered species in Bulgaria.
  • Located  some 10 km away from the village of Chestimensko there is the Tervel  State Game Breeding Station. The ecological conditions and the good fodder base on the territory of the station provide favourable conditions for the breeding of rare game species such as red deer, doe, wild boar, fallow deer, muflon, jackal, fox, beech marten, pheasant and partridge., which provides excellent conditions for the development of hunting tourism.

Source: internet
Pictures: Mirela

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