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Dabravino village

See it on the map Bulgarian properties in Varna Region - Dabravino
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Dabravino is a village in North-East Bulgaria, part of Avren municipality, Varna region. It is located 45 km south of the city of Varna and 15 km south-west of the municipal center of Avren.

general information

The village is situated near Kamchiya River, next to Longoza Reserve. The relief is flat-hilly. Longoz forests are surrounding the village - they are typical for the Black Sea coast and are famous for being dense, almost inaccessible natural habitat of many plant and animal species.
The climate is temperate-continental, influenced by the proximity of Kamchiya River and the Black Sea. It is characterized by a cool summer, rainy autumn, a mild winter with scanty snowfalls and a sunny spring. The population numbers to approximately 1 500 people. Altitude - 31 m.


In Dabravino there is a secondary school, a kindergarten, a community center, an Orthodox church, a mosque, a pharmacy, food shops, a doctor's office, a mayoralty, cafes.
The village is supplied with water and electricity on a regular basis and its residents have access to all modern communications - internet, satellite TV, telephone, mobile communications. Regular bus transportation connects Dabravino to the city of Varna and the nearby villages.
In the village there is also a stadium where the practises of the local football team are being carried. The team successfully participates in the local championship.

development prospects

The area offers great opportunities for the development of cultural, rural and eco-tourism, hunting, fishing and other alternative forms of tourism. The Avren municipality also offers many opportunities for short-term recreation of both local people and tourists. Well-developed is the hunting tourism since due to the proximity of several elite hunting areas with well developed infrastructure. Vast areas covered with dense forests, clear air, lack of industrial enterprises, natural reserves of national significance - these are all excellent conditions for the development of eco-tourism.
Some 1.3 km away from the village lies Dabravino sand-pit, a source of raw material supplied to several industrial productions in Devnya. The sand-pit provides occupation for the people of the village and is yet a natural habitat of a population of the Sand Martin - a rare and protected bird-specie in Bulgaria. The eco bound up company, owner of the sand-pit has taken care to provide the necessary conditions to protect and increase the number of the population.
Traditionally, the local people are being engaged into plant-growing, vine growing and bee-keeping. The soil is fertile and the climate is favourable for the production of agricultural crops.

landmarks and events

  •  The first of its kind Festival of Patriotic Songs of the Bulgarian National Revival was held in Dabravino in 2011. It is a competition for singers of age over 18 years from around the country. The ambition of the organizers is the Festival to become an annual  event.
  • Kamchiya Biospheric Reserve is an attractive destination for both photo-hunters and nature lovers. Over 40 tree and shrub species are to be found in the reserve such as narrow-leafed ash-tree, elm tree, lianas, various kinds of ivies etc. The hard-to-get-to swampy areas and limans are the natural habitat of extremely rare and endangered plants such as leucojum, European white water-lily, European yellow water-lily. Over 30 fish and 150 bird species are to be found in the reserve. One of the attractions offered in the reserve is a boat trip down the river of Kamchiya - one of the most beautiful rivers in Europe. It is intriguing to see the banks of the river wrapped in climbing vegetation as if sailing down Amazon River in South America.

Source: internet
Pictures: Mirela, internet

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