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The village of Dedets

See it on the map Bulgarian properties in Kardzhali Region - Dedec
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Dedets is a village in Southern Bulgaria. It is located in the municipality of Kirkovo, Kardzhali Region.

The village is located 16 km north-west of Kirkovo, 54 km south-west of Kardzhali, 39 km in the same direction of Momchilgrad and about 295 km south-east of the capital Sofia city. The village of Benkovski is situated only 2 km in the south.

The population is about 51 people.

The village is situated in the Eastern Rhodopes, at an altitude of 315 m. The climate is transitive-Meditteranean with relatively mild winters and long and hot summers. The river Varbitsa passes near the village of Dedets.

Dedets is a well-developed village, with good transpotration links, there are water- and electricity supply systems.

The nearest community center, kindergarten, secondary school and GPs are in the village of Benkovski. The nearest health center is located in the village of kirkovo and general hospital  you will find in Momchilgrad.


Near the village of Dedets you can see a well-preserved cupol rock tomb resembling a cave. It is indicative of the presence of Thracian tribes in the area at the end of the second millennium BC.

There are plenty of culture monuments that represent all ages from Thracian times on in the region. Such are the Roman bridge and the Rocky mushrooms near the village of Dobromirtsi /4 km of Dedets/ and the Rock niches in the village of Rastnik /5 km/.

In the area of Kirkovo is situated the protected area Gyumyurdzhinski snezhnik, which is the largest protected area in the Eastern Rhodopes since 2003. Its purpose is to protect the last  primary sycamor, beech and beech-fir forests which are over 150 years old. You can see golden eagle and the black woodpecke here. Many of the spieces are even older - 300-400 years. 11 plant spieces are included in Bulgaria's Red book.

Not far from Momchilgrad is situated Orpheus' sanctuary near the village of Tatul /51 km north-east of Dedets/. This is one of the most impressive megalithic monuments in the Bulgarian lands. It comprises an ancient pagan temple and a medieval fortress. The central and highest place is occupied by a tomb hewn in the rock, leading to a formal staircase - a symbolic grave of Orpheus.

Source: Mirela team

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