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The village of Kalugerovo

See it on the map Bulgarian properties in Pazardzhik Region - Kalugerovo
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Kalugerovo is a village in Southern Bulgaria. It is located in municipality of Lesichovo, Pazardzik district.

There are three more villages with the same name – in municipality Pravets, Sofia district and in municipality Simeonovgrad, Haskovo district.

It is situated 23 km northwestern direction of the town of Pazardzik, 6 km southeastern direction of the administrative center Lesichovo and 16 km northern direction of the town of Septemvri.
The population is about 1300 inhabitants.
The terrain is hilly plain with altitude of 255 m. The climate is transcontinental with mild and snowy winter with temperatures of 1ºС, sunny and cool summer with average temperatures of 22ºС.
Well-developed village with excellent infrastructure – electricity, water systems, telephones, post office, wireless internet and cable TV.
The roads are maintained. Highway “Trakia” is close and there are two sideways for the village and direct connection to the town of Pazardzhik, Plovdiv and Sofia city.
Regular bus transport from and to the village. Kalugerovo is connected with the neighbor villages Dinkata, Pamidovo, Karabunar, Lesichovo and Elishitsa.
There is a school, kindergarten, community center, church and a medical cabinet.
The main occupation of the inhabitants is agriculture and livestock. In the area of the village there are several companies and enterprises.


Close to the village of Kalugerovo there is a monastery – “Sv.Nikola” with access from asphalt road. In the area of the monastery there are beautiful and secluded parts and the bays of Topolnitsa River all of them are appropriate fro picnics, walks, etc.
The town of Velingrad has more than 200 000 visitors who come for the numerous mineral water springs, comfortable and modern baths, the soft climate and the wonderful nature of the town. The most precious natural treasure of the town of velingrad is the mineral water springs. The temperature of the springs varies from 28ºС up to 86ºС.
Also close is situated the town of Batak where you can go fishing, hunting and do all kind of tourism as well as winter and water sports.


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