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The village of Ralitsa

See it on the map Bulgarian properties in Kardzhali Region - Ralica
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Ralitsa is a village in southern Bulgaria. It is located in the municipality of Momchilgrad, Kardzhali region.

Ralitsa is the name in one more village in Bulgaria, in the municipality of Targovishte, Targovishte Region as well as of one of the residential quarters in the town of Pernik.

It is located at 19 km south-east of Momchilgrad, about 35 km in the same direction of the regional center Kardzhali, about 79 km south-west of Haskovo and about 275 km south-east of the capital Sofia city.

The village is situated in the Eastern Rhodopes, in an area with mountainous relief at altitude of about 550 m. The climate is temperate to Mediterranean with mild winters and hot summers.

One of the highest mounts in the Eastern Rhodopes - Stramni rid Mount /960 m/ is situated near the village. The lands around the village are suitable for cultivation, vineyards, orchards and cereals.

Ralitsa is situated 5 km away of a main road connecting Momchilgrad with Krumovgrad /22 km in the north-east/ and Ivaylovgrad /79 km in the same direction/. There is regular transport to the heighbouring villages.

Here live approximately 40 people.

Ralitsa is provided with water and electricity and has relatively good infrastructure - partly asphalted and lighted streets. There are a mosque and a grocery store here. Primary school, community center and kindergarten you can find in the near village of Zvezdel /6 km in the north-east/. The nearest health centers are in Momchilgrad. 


The medieval fortress Asara, built in XI-XII century is located near the village of Zvezdel. The fort used to serve for the defense of Zvezdel mine where gold ans silver were mined. The most precious finding from the research of the site were the unique medallions - part of the icon, decorated with gold leaf found in the chapel.

At the foot of Stramni rid mount a fair called by the locals Dag bayrama is held each september.

In the area around the village you can also visit the following natural and cultural attractions:

  • The natural phenomenon "Petrified Forest", located in the settlement of the village of Raven /about 26 km north of Ralitsa/. It was declared a protected site in the "landmark" category. It represents petrified trees and its age is about 30 million years. 
  • "Borovets" reserve, situated also near the village of Raven - one of the four reserves in the Eastern Rhodopes and is of national importance. It was declared a protected site in order to protect the easternmost natural habitat of pine.  
  • The archaelogical landmark "Orpheus' sanctuary" is located only 23 km north-east of Ralitsa, near the village of Tatul. This is one of the most remarkable architectural discoveries of our time. The complex comrises an ancient pagan sanctuary and a medieval fortress.
  • In Momchilgard you can visit a museum collection created in 1969. It is the first collection in Kardzhali Region. The museum is set in the building of "New life" community center. The museum comrises 1200 exhibits arranged in three sections: Archaeology, Ethnography and Nature.

Text: Mirela

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