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Village of Volovo

See it on the map Bulgarian properties in Ruse Region - Volovo
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Volovo is a village situated in Northern Bulgaria. It is part of Borovo municipality, Ruse region.

It is located about 42 km south-west from town of Ruse, 12 km north-east from town of Byala, 7 km south from town of Borovo and 82 km north-west from town of Razgrad.
Its population is approximately 160 people.
The region characterizes with plain and hilly relief. The lands are suitable for developing agriculture, good transportation and technical infrastructure. The climate features hot summer, cold winter and small amounts of rain.
The combination of relief, climate, water resources and soil variety make the region convenient for growing grains, green crops and vineyards. There are big forest massifs, mainly coniferous and mixed.
The village is well-developed. It is with well-maintained infrastructure. Electricity and water are provided. Irrigation system for watering agriculture areas is available. There is a post office and a cable TV. The village comprises a school, a community centre, three shops and a tavern.
Transport - important transport road I-5 passes through the village. It is part of the two European transport corridors No7 and No9. They connect Ruse district with the region of the Baltic Sea and the Northern Sea, and the regions of the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea as well.
The means of living of the population is the plant-growing, especially the grain-production (wheat, barley and corn). There is big production of sun-flowers as well.
Stock-breeding - well-developed are cattle-breeding, pig-breeding and poultry-raising.


Volovo region benefits from pine-tree forests, fresh air and clear spring water. Village of Shirokovo is about 10 km away from Volovo. It is part of the Natural Park 'Rusenski Lom'. The park was announced for protected territory in 1970. It occupies 3408 hectares. It is interesting and valuable for all tourists in this region. There are beautiful riverside terraces, high rocks, zones with variety of animal and plant species, caves, rock formations, historical monuments with national and international importance.

Internet sources:
Pictures: Mirela

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