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Village of Zherka

See it on the map Bulgarian properties in Kardzhali Region - Zherka
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This village is located in the Eastern Rhodopes, in the municipality of Kirkovo, Kardzhali region.

The village of Zherka is 28 km away from Dzhebel, 45 km away from Kardhzali and 286 km away from the capital city Sofia.

Zherka is completely depopulated, as the last of its inhabitants left about 30 years ago.

The village is located in the Eastern Rhodopes, at an altitude of 650 m. The relief is plain and hilly. The climate is transitional-Mediterranean and characterizes with comparatively mild winter and hot, long summer. In the Zherka area is the Veykata peak (1463 m) - Bulgaria's southest point and Eastern Rhodopes' highest peak. Nearby runs Kirkovska river.

Reaching the village is tough because of the terrain. Zherka's inhabitants used to grow tobacco and breed sheep. The women were showing some amazing weaving skills. Once, the village used to be electrified. In the nearest village of Kirkovo there are functioning municipality, a police station, health facility, professional highschool, secondary school, a kindergarten, a library, a few bank branches, a pharmacy, a drug store, a hotel and some stores.

Landmarks and tourism

Its purposes are to preserve the last century-old forests with beech-trees, fir-trees and mountainous sycamore trees and the variety of flora and fauna threatened with extinction. Golden eagle and black woodpecker may be seen in the area. 11 species of plants and 5 species of animals here are added to the list of the Bulgarian Red Book.

The most southern point in Bulgaria - Veykata mountain top is located here. The starting point to the top is 'Hvoynova polyana' (Juniper meadow in English) mountain hostel. The distance is about 5 km by a cobblestone road from the most southern village in Bulgaria - Gorno Kapinovo (Kirkovo municipality).

Village of Mazhentsi comprises a centre for fishing tourism and recreation. There is a reservoir and four bungalows. Restaurant is envisaged to be constructed.

There are many old bridges constructed by local masonry masters. The most preserved are the villages of Dragnovo, Shumnatitsa, Gorski izvor, Lozengradtsi and Tihomir.

Mineral spring with debit of 20 l/sec is located near village of Kirkovo. Its waters are hypo-thermal (22 C to 24 C), with low mineralization, hydro carbonated, containing the chemical elements - Ka, Na and Mg. They are used for balenological purposes, bottling and soft drinks production.


Source:  Mirela 

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