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village of Gradets

See it on the map Bulgarian properties in Sofia Region - Gradec
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Gradec is a village in Western Bulgaria. It is located in the municipality of Kostinbrod, Sofia region

In Bulgaria there are two cities with the same name - in the municipality of Vidin, Vidin region, Kotel Municipality, Sliven region. 
It is 10 km north of Kostinbrod, 28 km northwest of Sofia, 19 km southeast of the town Slivnitsa, 32 km in the same direction from Dragoman and 45 km from Kalotina checkpoint. 

The population is about 260 inhabitants. 

The terrain is flat and hilly nature of the average altitude is 700 m.
The climate is temperate. Summers are hot and winters cold.There are negative values ​​of the average January temperature of about - 2.5 C and average July temperatures of about 18.4 C. 
Rainfall is less. 
Here flows the river Kriva

The village is well laid out, with maintained infrastructure. There are water supply, electricity and communications networks. Missing sewers. 
Nearest schools and health facilities are in the municipal center - Kostinbrod. 
There is regular bus transport to Sofia. 
Nearby passes the international road E-80, from Belgrade via Sofia to Istanbul. 
The village is built up with new houses. Because of its proximity to Sofia and beautiful scenery is chosen by more and more people purchasing properties for permanent living and recreation. 

Principal sector is agriculture, as agriculture is concentrated mainly in small private holdings. A significant proportion of the population finds work in Sofia and Kostinbrod. The territory of the municipality more than 15 small and medium enterprises.Primary occupy transport and repair of trucks and commercial vehicles. 


The village and its surroundings offer excellent conditions for eco, rural and fishing. 

Nearby there are dams that are used for fish farming and sport fishing in the summer months. 

Of particular importance for local residents is the St. George "which is now preserved only chapel. He was acting male monastery. During the Ottoman rule was burned and looted, but according to local legend, the bell of the monastery is preserved by being buried in its vicinity. The chapel was completely renovated in the early twenty-first century, a new altar and a host of icons, having been to almost collapse. In restoring active participation into local inhabitants. The remains of two columns altar. 

In the vicinity of the village has preserved beech and pine forests.About three kilometers to the northeast is the village of Mahala Gray Tsarichina, known phenomenon Tzaritchina, which can be reached by scenic asphalt road. 

Text and photos: Mirela

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