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Village of Varana

See it on the map Bulgarian properties in Pleven Region - Varana
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Varana is a village in the central part of Northern Bulgaria. It is part of Levski Municipality, Pleven Region.

It is 56 km east of town of Pleven, 7 km in the same direction of town of Levski, 42 km south of town of Svishtov, 46 km west of town of Polski Trambesh, 18 km north-west of town of Pavlikeni and 198 km north-east of the capital Sofia. Regular bus transportation serves the village.

The population is approximately 60 people.

Varana spreads out the central part of the Danube plain, at 63 m above the sea level. Lomya River passes through here. The river is with preserved flora and fauna.

The climate is humid continental and characterizes with cold winter and hot summer. The average January temperature is about -2.5 C and the average July one - about 25 C.

The region is with well-developed agriculture and stock-breeding. Agriculture is represented by one private cooperation and several independent producers. Stock-breeding is entirely in the private enterprises. The population breeds mainly sheep, goats, cows and bees. 

Agriculture and stock-breeding are ecologically clean because there is no pollution in the soils and air.

Varana is a small but active and public-spirited village that managed to preserve its traditions and beauty. It is provided with electricity, water and communication equipment. There is a mayor, a post office, a public house, a food store, a police officer, a pensioner's club and an orthodox church. The pensioner's club carries out a traditional meeting with the pensioners from village of Nedan.

Education centres and medical care are available in the municipal town of Levski (7 km away).

Landmarks and tourism

Village of Varana charms with its small streets, winding little hills and abundance of greenery. In spring time there are many storks nestling on the street poles.

The local place of interest is the church 'St Dimitar', built in 1933. It is entirely preserved and rises in the centre of the village. The church opens doors on all religious holidays.

Each year the fair of the village takes place from 5-7 November.

Lomya River (tributary of Osam River) passes through here. It is wider and deeper in this part and is with preserved flora and fauna.

There are several well-kept Roman mounds on the territory of Varana.

Karamandol area is part of the big well-protected zone Obnova-arman dol. Here could be seen various animal and plant species, such as South and Mediterranean horseshoe bat, common bent-wing bat, open sesame, anodonta, etc.

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