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village of Kamenets

See it on the map Bulgarian properties in Pleven Region - Kamenec
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Kamenets is a village in North Bulgaria. It is situated in Pordim municipality, Pleven region.

In Bulgaria are two other settlements, that carry the same name in Momchilgrad, Kardzhali and in Straldzha municipality, Yambol region.

It is 14 km southeast from the town of Pordim and 34 km in the same direction from the town of Pleven. The village of Odarne is 6 km west and the capital Sofia is 193 km southwest.

It is located in the Danubian Plain, on the banks of the rivers Barata and Shavarna and its altitude is 117 m. The climate is temperate and considerably dry. The winter is severe and extremely cold, while the spring is warm and the summer is very hot.

The permanent population is 968 people.

Bus and railway transportation connects it to the other settlements. The main streets are asphalted and with lightning. There are constructed water and electricity systems. All mobile operators have coverage. 
In Kamenets there is small air base/airport but at the moment it is not working.

In the village are functioning town hall, post office, community center with choir, kindergarten, store and restaurant. One GP and one dentist take care for the health of the local people. The nearest school is situated in the neighboring village of Odarne and hospital you can find in the town of Pleven. 
Most of the women are working in the private apparel workshop.

The church in the village is constructed about 130 years ago and in 2009 was completely renovated. 

In its area were found thirteen mounds, while in some  of them were found Thracian tombs and funerary urns. In 1908 was excavated an ancient Thracian tomb stone, which now can be seen in the Archaeological Museum in Sofia.

The name Kamenets is derived from the story that the first people that settled here in the Kamaka area where there was a cold mountain water spring and the water flows from the cave. 

Near the village is located eponymous dam that is suitable for fishing and it is also habitat for various bird species.

In the town of Pleven you can visit three of the 100 Tourist Sites of Bulgaria - Pleven Epopee 1877, the Regional History museum and the mausoleum-chapel "St George Pobedonosets". Other interesting places in proximity are Kaylaka park and the Wine Museum. 


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