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Town of Byala

See it on the map Bulgarian properties in Ruse Region - Byala
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Byala is a town in Northern Bulgaria. It is administrative centre of Byala Municipality, Ruse region.

The town is the second biggest town in the region, after town of Ruse. Its population is approximately 9 500 people.
Byala is about 55 km south-west from town of Ruse, 255 km north-east from city of Sofia, 84 km north-west from town of Razgrad and 203 km in the same direction from town of Varna.


Byala is situated on 54 m above sea level, in the central part of the Danube plain, near Yantra River. It characterizes with humid continental climate. Summer is hot and the winter is cold. The natural and climate conditions are good for the development of agriculture (grains, sunflowers, sugar beets, vines and stock-breeding).


Byala is with strategic location in the national transport, energy and communication infrastructure. Important roads and convenient junctions meet in the region - first-class roads to Sofia and the southern borders, railway line Ruse-Sofia, highway optical cable, international cable nets, etc. Byala railway station is located 7 km away from the town.
Health care - the town is served by the Multi-profile hospital for active treatment and the Regional dispensary for psychiatric diseases.
Sport - there is a good sport base that includes official and training football playgrounds, a tennis court, a swimming pool. The sport complex of Georgi Benkovski stadium and the handball playground to it are in excellent repair.

Places of interest

  • The Bridge of Byala at Yantra River (1865-1867) is decorated with bas-reliefs. There is a big monument of its constructor Kolyo Fitcheto. The new bridge over the river is just several meters away from it.
  • The Museum of the Russian-Turkish War of Liberation (1907) by Stoyan Zaimov.
  • The Town Clock Tower (1872) - it was designed as a bell tower of the old church of Byala. From 1906 it serves as the town clock.
  • The Orthodox church of St George
  • The Forest Park - it is situated 7 km away from town - in the direction of town of Popovo. The park is a suitable place for recreation.

The holiday of the town is on 6th May. On this day every year a fair with roundabouts, literature and other cultural events is organized. The day of the brave also takes place on 6th May.


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