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village of Divlya

See it on the map Bulgarian properties in Pernik Region - Divlya
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Divlya is a village in West Bulgaria. It is situated in Zemen municipality, Pernik region

It is 14 km northwest of the town of Zemen and 57 km west of the town of Pernik. The capital Sofia is 84 km northeast. 

It is located in mountain area and its altitude is 644 m. The climate is temperate and is characterized by cold winters while the summers are hot. 

Bus transportation connects it the town of Zemen. 

The permanent population is about 170 people. 

Here are functioning mayor's vice royalty, store, pub, church and community center with library. One GP takes care for the people in the village. Dentists and polyclinic you can find on the territory of the town of Zemen where there also work the nearest kindergarten and school. There is hospital in the town of Pernik.

Tourism and landmarks

In the community center there is survakari group that preserves the tradition of the survakari games

In the area the hunting is allowed and there is such a tourism. It is organized shooting competitions, exhibitions of hunting trophies of local wild games. There are awards for the outstanding hunters in the region. The program includes music performances and special food that is cooked for health and luck. 

In the beginning of the last century the men in the village became famous for they were really good in the pavement of the streets and squares. This is why in the center of the village was constructed Monument of the paver
It could also be seen curious monument of the St st Cyril and Metodi. When the venerable walnut tree started to dry a local master recreated it in this monument. 

Cultural landmarks that you should visit in the area are Chepinski monastery "St prorok Iliya" (7 km), Zemenski monastery "St Yoan Bogoslov" (13 km) and Giginski monastery "St st Cosmas and Damian" (14 km).

Pchelina dam is about 15 km away and offers excellent conditions for relaxation and sports fishing. There also is constructed entertainment complex with swimming pools and disco as well as camping places. 


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